Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I should really start blogging more. Because now I can't remember what has happened since the last time I wrote.

It's finals week! Fiiiinally. I'm so exhausted. So so so so exhausted. These last 3 or 4 weeks I have been studying non stop every chance I get. Driving back and forth from home to Long Beach or LA to meet with people. These next few days I'll be up by 4am and studying at starbucks in LA by 5:30am till... ALL DAY. Bring me some love.

My immune system is shutting down on me due to stress and lack of sleep.

And of course now that my 21st birthday is coming up my body decides to get and eye infection and make me sick and i'm aching all over. tiiireedd. Perfect timing. UGH.

I'm not in the mood to post pictures. Blah.


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