Tuesday, July 8, 2008

School sucks. You'd think that taking two classes and only having to go once a week during the summer would be easy breezy. NOPE. It sucks. Already I'm struggling to just pass one of the classes (yes, with a C. UGH). It doesn't help at all that I missed a 5% quiz while I was in Costa Rica. DILEMMA: Should I continue taking the class and risk failing so I don't have to take it next semester or should I withdraw now (knowing what i'll be getting myself into and not miss any quizzes) and try to work harder during fall even though on top of that class I'll be taking 2 more nursing classes? I'm only allowed two fails before getting kicked out of the program. Hate my life.

A couple interesting work stories.
1) I'm at the register and a woman orders. "6.78 is the total" i say. I stick my hand out and she starts counting change and putting coins in my hand. While she continues searching for more coins in her purse I notice she managed to include a pube with the coins. WHAT THE HELL. At first I really did not want to pick it up (even though my other hand was already touching it) but I also didn't want her to see it and start to feel awkward which would then make me feel even moooore awkward so i decided to quickly flick it off before she saw. SO GROSS.
2) Not as interesting but some punk ass kid tried to steal our tip money. Just because we have our backs turned to kindly get you some water even though you didn't purchase anything else doesn't mean our boss in the back who is watching the store via cameras can't see you. All of a sudden i hear the back swinging door slam and her yelling "PUT THAT BACK IN THERE". The stupid kid had the nerve to tell us that he was putting money IN our jar. OK. So why was he getting all crazy and yelling like a mad man. Actually, like a guilty dumbass. She told him to get out and never come back and he threw his water cup at our door. The popo came and we reported him. Asshole.

Tonight Jackie and I took a Tahitian dance class for the first time. It was a lot of fun and I'm going to start going every week. Already my arms feel 10 times buffer. So exciting!

I want to take up more and more hobbies this summer. Guitar, tennis, volleyball, etc. I'm feeling good!

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