Sunday, September 14, 2008

I'm obsessing over the idea of going to Kenya next summer. ooooooooh how baaaaadly i want to go. One of the clinical instructors at my school sometimes takes students to Kenya (where she's from) over the summer for a couple weeks to visit the hospitals, see how things run there, volunteer, etc. I want to go! I've always wanted to go to Africa to do some type of volunteer work. It has been one of my goals for a very long time now to go there. Volunteer. Work. Help. Somehow be a part of making a difference there. Somehow. Some way. This is my chance!
I've brought the idea up to my parents and of course they don't see how me going to Africa is a good idea. UGH. "it's not safe there. it's diseased. there's conflict. you'll catch malaria. you're an easy target" and as my mom likes to say "there are bad elements (in a very filipino fobby accent)" WHAT? what the hell do you even mean by that. bad elements? ok.
YES. i DO see their point. But come ooooooooonn. I HAVE to go. I would absolutely love it. To experience a completely different culture. Actually be there. Be with the people. See how differently they live their lives. It would be absolutely amazing. Ugh.. i can dream.

Oh. 2,000 dollar plane ticket. UGH. I'm never going to go. =(

1 comment:

AIMEE said...

sometimes it's totally worth it to take risks :)