Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to all who read my blog! (Ha..two or three people. Hi!)

I love the feeling of a holiday. I don't know why. Makes me all warm and tingly inside(that's what she said!) Christmas time is coming up! Meaning winter break is just around the corner. Can you tell I'm really anxious for it to come? I talk about the coming of break every blog. But this semester is HELL. gotta get out and get it done and over with already.

Yesterday I observed/helped with a vaginal delivery. YES. i was face to vagina. Ok not literally but i was RIGHT THERE. I had to help hold my patient's legs back and up to open up her pelvic cavity because her baby was pretty big. I'm sure you're thinking "wow that's fucking gross", and yeah.. i guess it kind of is. Bloody and not sexy at all but it was absolutely amazing. Really! I just couldn't believe it. Conception and the whole giving birth is truly a miracle. It's so unbelievable, right? Of course we understand exactly how it happens and the smallest details of how it all occurs. but WOW. ah. I can't even describe how it makes me feel. Oh, the wonders of life...

Ok but also. Watching how painful and excruciting it probably was made me not want to have babies anymore. At least not 8. OUCH. And i just think to myself "how the HELL is THAT going to come out of you know what". OUCH.

oh. and i also got to play with the placenta.. haha.

I watched Girl, Interrupted last night! Pretty good movie. I really enjoy movies that take place in some kind of psych institution type of setting. Can't wait to work in the psych ward next semester.

alright! poop time.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Less than a month away until winter break!
I just need to make it through school these last few weeks. ughhh.

So i found out that the trip to Africa that i'm dying to go to will cost.. oh.. well you know..
only 4,000 dollars! YEAH. okay. Like i can really afford that? I work once a week at basically a minimum wage job. NO WAY i can afford that. And my parents already don't support my wanting to go so they definitely won't help with the funding. SO SO SO SO sad.. i feel so heartbroken about it. It really has been a dream of mine for awhile now to go. But i shouldn't be too sad about it. I'm definitely going when i graduate. I can't wait to be a travel nurse for while!

This time next year i'll be getting ready to graduate! I'm extremely excited to be an RN. Really. This is truly what I want to do for the rest of my life.. well of course I eventually want to become a Nurse Practitioner.. but i truly LOVE what i do! I have finally started to feel a lot more comfortable and more confident in working with patients. It's such a good feeling when i'm working with patients and start to use what i've been learning in class. Before nursing classes and all, just taking the G.E's and what not it's just like ughh why am i even learning this? i'm NEVER going to use this information really. But now I always think to myself "oh wow i know exactly why this is happening.. i know this disease's causes and treatments" etc. etc. And i feel really great when I can actually teach my patients useful information. haha. i feel like a nurse! It's so much fun. And i know i constantly complain and bitch about how much studying i have to do and yada yada yada but it's really really fun too. I can't wait to be making my own $$$$$. holler!

Last week i watched House Bunny at the dollar theatre. Hilarious!
Friday i saw Twilight. It was pretty good. Definitely wasn't absolutely amazed by it or anything but it was enjoyable. Makes me want to read to book which is apparently alllll the rage right now. Oooohhh if only i had time for leisure reading. ha!
Friday i also watched the first Harry Potter movie. I've never seen it before! Everyone is so tiny! I liked it and decided to rent the second one the next day. I still have to finish it though. The trailer to The Blood Prince really got me excited so that's why i randomly decided to start watching the movies.

It's so strange that Thanksgiving is in 4 days. And before you know it, it's going to be Christmas! Life is just going by sooo quickly. I don't want to be old!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

I feel very bloated.

on tuesday i decided to finally do something to my hair. i didn't want to cut it anymore because i love the length so i thought maybe i'd dye it. i decided to get highlights under my hair. underlights? anyways i didn't want to get a whole lot just a few here and there and under my bangs. i was going for a blonde color. i also told her exactly what i didn't want. no hint of orange or yellow or copper or bronze or brass. HA. the lady said she knew exactly what i wanted to i trusted her. she proceeded to dye my hair. which took forever i dont know why. then dry it which also took forever. and whenever she would check on the color she's put more dye because it wouldnt come out. i was doing that for 2 hours. UGH. then she washes my hair. i look at the mirror and i'm absolutely horrified. it was yellow. bright yellow. and i was like is this the color??? and she said oh i'm going to tone it down. so i was alright but really irritated that it was taking forever. i was at the sink with her washing and re-dying my hair for another hour. strained neck pissed off. hungry. tired. needing to pee.
FINALLY. we went back to the chair and she asked if i wanted a cut. i said no. maybe a small trim. then. she spend half an hour doing what? cutting and layering my hair. WTF. i told her not to do that shit. i'm so pissed at this point. AND not to mention my hair color. omg. my bangs were a different color from the rest of the highlights which were all diffferent colors from each other. brown. yellow. orange. copper. OMGGGGGGGGG. i left pissed off. i threw a tantrum as i was driving home. really.
ugh i was so mad. people said it looked fine and they liked it. i know they were lying! it was horrible.

yesterday i went back and made them fix it. it's now more of an ashy brown/blonde. a million times better than before thank god. i'm really happy about it. but still pissed that my hair is shorter and thinner. i miss my long black hair..

ok thats all. this entry is dumb.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Last two weeks have been pretty rough. School, life, and more life and more school. Test after test after test and just a mix of all these different emotions.
It's so damn draining. Winter break where art thou!

Yesterday was Halloween and it's the first time I didn't go trick-or-treating. I woke up at 4:15 in the morning to get ready for work and Rahn wanted us to be playboy bunnies. Ugh. She even made the outfits which surprisingly came out pretty good. Who knew she could be so crafty?
Well that was alright. HA. I got asked out by a customer! A cross eyed black guy.. I always try to avoid this guy because apparently he asks people when i work or whatever. Creep! I don't even know his name..
I was making bagels and he's standing by the counter asking what time I get off. I say "oh at 12 it's not too bad of a shift it's pretty cool" (me thinking he was just asking how many hours i work that day) and he's like "ooh well you know I was wondering.. would you like to have breakfast with me after work? just over here at the INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES". and in my head i'm like.. isn't that..IHOP? ha! Why did he have to make it sound all fancy n shit? oh man And i'm like "oh well actually i'm having lunch with desiree today" "oh ok well how about another time? tomorrow, next week?". So i'm like uhhh "well you know we really can't go out with customers. We could really get in trouble" and he says "Well if you don't tell, I won't tell" (superrr creeepy like) and i just laugh and i say i'm really sorry but i can't... I don't know why i didnt just say i had a boyfriend. That would have made it a lot easier. oh my.

Last night i went to Hard with Julian. SO MUCH FUN. I dressed like Katy Perry, or well i wore a Katy inspired outfit i suppose. Kinda just came up with whatevz. We drove there and there was a shit load of cars and people all over the streets. Took awhile to finally get parked. And then we saw the line and it was maaasssiivee. i was like what the hell we're never getting in. And this thing is outdoors so you can see the stage and lights and all these people that were already in. Torture! Julian and i decided to cut a billion people thank god. good thing we werent a huge group. He went.. then I came 5 min later (that's what she said! ha that was a good one!!). Even after getting tix at willcall we had to wait in yet another line that literally move 1 foot every 10 minutes. A big giant crowd just trying to get in. we waited maybe an hour and at last we were in. So exciting. I've never really been to anything like this before and I had the best time ever! 4 stages and many many people playing. Got to see crystal castles, DJ AM, boys noize, amongst others. Didn't see Justice or Soulwax though.. boooo!!! it's ok. still sooo fun. Can I just say that watching people on E is the grossest thing ever? Or at least the couples that do it. EWWW. They truly have no shame. VOMIT. VOMIT. haha. Well we did lots of dancing and walking and searching for people. so fun. definitely want to go again.
