Sunday, June 29, 2008

Today I went with Julian, Jole, and Kevin to the LA Film Festival in Westwood Village, LA. We went to see the movie Journey to the Center of the Earth starring Brendan Fraser (where has he BEEN these last few..many years!?). We got there and there was a red carpet and everything. I didn't know this was going to be an actual "World Premiere". There were quite a few celebrities, possible z listers or maybe just new up and coming celebs. I had no idea who 90% of them were but everyone else knew their names and they posed for the cameras so i took pictures of them anyway. I easily get star strucked.

I hate that I'm not famous! Someone discover me! and my lack of talents..

Quick picture recap of the day:

Saturday, June 28, 2008

YES i JUST blogged but i came across this entry from my Lj from 4 years ago around this same exact time. SEE. This is why I miss highschool and higschool summer vacations.
June 26, 2004
i haven't updated in awhile. my computer has been retarded. i am at aimee's right now and we're bumming around... hmm so what has been going on...
-finished community service... i kinda miss all the old people we were working with. they were really funny. but i don't miss all the files we had to erase, the grafitti we had to wash off, and the stupid room we had to clean.
-started working at the fun fun. it's very exciting i love it. i feel all special and stuff.
-started surfing on thursday. ahhh soo much fun. and me and bianca were pretty damn good for beginners. i love surfing. i'm gonna go pro. haha i wish.
-i chopped off my hair!!!! ahhh. it's up to my shoulders now. and i have bangs. i kinda miss my hair but i like my hair now too. whatever

-hmmm. what else.. i've been hanging out with aimee and bianca mostly. just renting movies and going out. we're bums.
-yesterday i went to jackie's ave star. she did so incredibly wonderful! i am so proud! she was definitely MY favorite. awww i love her mucho. GREEEEEAT job my dear!
-today hung out with aimee and bianca. went to the mall. bought a skirt now we're at aimee's and we're gonna eat. yah i'm going to mexico on tuesday and then we're sleeping in san diego that night. woo hoo! who wants to come with me!! that's about it i think. i've like done something everyday since summer started. i love having stuff to do for summer. it's wonderful <333 style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" size="2">Pictures from that SD trip:

******EDIT! actually these pictures aren't from that trip I was talking about. Wrong year. But still nice to look at!

that's about it i think. i've like done something everyday since summer started. i love having stuff to do for summer. it's wonderful"

How ironic. Right now i'm experiencing the complete opposite. WAH WAH. I'm such a baby. I swear I'm not this pathetic all the time. Just now. I'm bored.

I feel like I'm having some kind of mid mid-life crisis. Real mid life crises happen around 40-50 years old right? Well I'm halfway there so a "mid" mid life crisis.
Just to be sure the term mid life crisis (isn't it annoying when people use the same words or phrases in multiple sentences? I've already used mid life crisis three times since I started this blog today and now it is four. Just to annoy you. kidding.) means what i think it means i decided to look it up on good ol' wikipedia. Such a trusty source! ha.

Midlife crisis is a term used in Western Societies to describe a period of dramatic self-doubt that is felt by some individuals in the "middle years" of life, as a result of sensing the passing of youth and the imminence of old age. Sometimes, transitions experienced in these years, such as aging in general, menopause, the death of parents, or children leaving home, can trigger such a crisis. The result may be a desire to make significant changes in core aspects of day to day life or situation, such as in career, marriage, or romantic relationships.

The whole part with the menopause and the children leaving home doesn't exactly reply...

I don't know why I feel so weird about growing up. I'm graduating college next year and soon after that I'll be a nurse? Like a FULL BLOWN nurse. REALLY? It's so strange. On one hand I'll feel too young to actually have a career... the kind that you work your ass off to finally get into. But at the same time I feel so old. I find myself talking about kids in high school these days and saying things like "She's 10 and she has a cell phone? PSH. I never got one of those till I was a sophomore" and "Why aren't these kids at home. I was never allowed to go out this late". Man. I'm old. I want to be 18 again. and forever.

Maybe I just need more excitement in my life. I really think I feel this way because I get bored SO easily. When I'm not doing anything I start to get all these weird feelings. Everyone is so busy these days! And that's good for them but I need people to hang out with! Don't I sound pathetic...YES. Aimee and Bianca are both working internships all the time and that's exciting for them. They need that kind of experience before getting a real job. I wish I needed to do something like that to at least keep me busy. At least I have Julian. But he lives so far. YES. Huntington Beach is now considered far from me considering the price of gas these days. Thanks Ju for always driving to La mirada <3

Blah blah. This is getting to start sounding like my posts during the livejournal days. Sorry! But i was BORED! and I needed a break from studying.

Last thought: I FEEL SO FAT. Must go to the gym more often.

Random video of the day:

Hahaha! How old is this?

Friday, June 27, 2008

Who even reads this blog!? No one I'm sure.
I'm too lazy to upload more pictures so this is all i'll post.

Quick picture recap of my trip to Costa Rica.

Has it already been a month since I started summer? Wow. Besides my trip to Costa Rica I haven't done a whole lot. School keeps me busy, i guess.

I took Julian to get his very first manicure (just a cut and clean, no nailpolish! I'd feel a little weird about that..) yesterday and he totally loves it. I'm sure he won't admit to people that he went to get his "nails did" but it's true. I paid for it.

Random Picture of the day!

This picture was taken sometime February 2006! Check out my hair!
I think my next blog will be about my different hair phases.


Monday, June 23, 2008

Costa Rica was amazing! I miss it already. The weather was much nicer there than it is here. The flight there wasn't too bad. It took about 5 hours. We got to the hotel/resort at 7am and the receptionist was extremely rude! "No rooms available until 3pm". WHAT. What are we supposed to do for 8 hours? "I guess you have to find something to do". There was no welcome, no orientation, NOTHING. She finally told us we could have breakfast there so we did. The place is huge so we had to take small shuttles to different areas there. We ate and pretty much did nothing but walk around until my mom complained and they gave us a room to "relax" in. After that first day everything went well. We did a lot of activities and just really had a great time.

What i did!
-Zip lining through the jungle
-1600 ft. waterslide down the mountain
-Horseback riding through the mountain
-Mud bath
-Hot water springs
-Hiking through Rincon de la Vieja and seeing fumaroles
-Boat ride through the river and seeing monkeys, birds, crocs, etc. etc. etc.
-Snorkeling in several spots in the Pacific Ocean
-Lots of eating (i seriously ate rice and beans with every single meal)
-Watch the Lakers get massacred by the Celtics (saddest game EVER)
-2 Yoga classes that they offered there. One class was just me and the teacher. Private lessons!
-Hung out at the wet bar

I have a bajillion pictures that i will post later!


Friday, June 13, 2008

I started summer school on Thursday and I hate it already. Who doesn't hate having a day of school take up your summer days? I'm just glad my school load won't be as heavy during the fall semester. I was looking through the syllabus and saw that we have debates towards the end of the session. UGH. I absolutely hate and dread debates! I've already had one horrible and absolutely embarrassing experience! WHY WHY WHY. I thought those days were over. Of course not. Debates will haunt me once again.

I'll try not to think of all the stress i'll be experiencing this summer, at least not for another week, since i'll be going to Costa Rica tomorrow! I'm super excited! Gotta start packing!


Thursday, June 5, 2008

I took the metro line for the first time yesterday! Julian and I decided to go to North Hollywood for the day to hang out. The metro is actually pretty exciting. I don't know why but it makes me feel "cool". It took about an hour to get there but that's how long it would have taken if we drove, but with the metro we..
1. Saved gas (and $)
2. Didn't have to worry about traffic
3. Didn't have to worry about possibly getting into an accident (something I worry about ALL the time whenever there's bumper to bumper type traffic)
4. Had no worries about where to park
5. Got to experience the METRO. Woo hoo!

It's $5.00 for an all day pass, although it used to be $3.00. It's not too bad! Technically you don't have to buy a ticket because they don't always check but you're fined $500.00 if they happen to check for tickets that day and you don't have one. Your choice. Are you willing to risk paying that much money? I'm not!

Quick picture recap of the day

Overall, it was a fun day!


Monday, June 2, 2008

It seems that these blogspots are all the rage right now... or am i late by a few years? Doesn't really matter I guess but I've finally decided to give in. I have literally been trying to come up with a URL since January but came to the conclusion that it may take another 5 years or so if I don't just get on with it already. Initially i wanted it to be but of course it was taken. So i settled with So original...

I was reading my old livejournal the other day (like all who had an Lj do every now and then and realize how much we've matured since then, thank god) and realized it has been almost 3 years since I graduated highschool. I'm getting so old! and this is what i wrote June 6, 2005..

it's definitely been forever since i've updated.

this might possibly be my last.
so i graduated highschool. feshman year, my senior sister told me higshcool would go by so quickly. i didn't think about it at that time, but she was definitely right.

freshman year: sitting with a group of almost 30 people. going to almost every single dance possible. blocking the halls.
sophomore year: same group, with many little cliques in it. sunny days, tanning legs, reading cosmopolitan, laughing.
junior year: breaking off of groups, finding a new set of friends but still keeping some of the old. losing some. jog a thon, hot dogs, junior ring, little outtings, getting into lots of trouble, etc.
senior year- getting really close to the group, kairos, more outtings, lots of laughs, spring break, the easter egg van, senior activities,homecoming,formal, promS, stress, finals, and finally, GRADUATION.

you know, as much as everyone complains about how gay our school is, i can honestly say i loved it. i love how we all knew each other, and how we didn't care about our appearance and could come to school like a bum, i love how our counselors knew us by name, i like how they bugged us about turning things in especially anything that had to do with college, i love our stupid rallies.

i'm going to miss being so sheltered. how am i going to survive the REAL LIFE. o God, i'm going to have to be thrown into a school where not only are there thousands of students, but half of them will be BOYS. i haven't been to co-ed since 8th grade. this is gonna be interesting. and o snaps, no uniforms? i don't even choose to wear free dress when we were allowed to in highschool. now i have to pick an outfit for everyday.
no more praying? i've prayed in class all the time since 1st grade. no more praying before each class and having special intentions take up at least 5 minutes of every block. no more liturgy, or the smell of papa henry's pipe. or Fr. shevlin's irish dancing. oh no, no more being able to go to confession every advent and lent. now i have to find my own time to do it, now i have to rmemeber the act of contrition instead of "Jesus i love you, please forgive me for my sins".
no more slacking off. procrastination. cheating. sparknotes. no more easy ways out.

i'm definitely not ready for this. i just might go into shock.

No, I didn't go into shock.

I find that a lot of times I have so much to say but a limited amount of words to express myself so hopefully using this blog will help me do just that.
I'll try not to bore anyone (the 3 people at most who actually will read this) with unimportant, minute details of my life.
