Saturday, June 28, 2008

I feel like I'm having some kind of mid mid-life crisis. Real mid life crises happen around 40-50 years old right? Well I'm halfway there so a "mid" mid life crisis.
Just to be sure the term mid life crisis (isn't it annoying when people use the same words or phrases in multiple sentences? I've already used mid life crisis three times since I started this blog today and now it is four. Just to annoy you. kidding.) means what i think it means i decided to look it up on good ol' wikipedia. Such a trusty source! ha.

Midlife crisis is a term used in Western Societies to describe a period of dramatic self-doubt that is felt by some individuals in the "middle years" of life, as a result of sensing the passing of youth and the imminence of old age. Sometimes, transitions experienced in these years, such as aging in general, menopause, the death of parents, or children leaving home, can trigger such a crisis. The result may be a desire to make significant changes in core aspects of day to day life or situation, such as in career, marriage, or romantic relationships.

The whole part with the menopause and the children leaving home doesn't exactly reply...

I don't know why I feel so weird about growing up. I'm graduating college next year and soon after that I'll be a nurse? Like a FULL BLOWN nurse. REALLY? It's so strange. On one hand I'll feel too young to actually have a career... the kind that you work your ass off to finally get into. But at the same time I feel so old. I find myself talking about kids in high school these days and saying things like "She's 10 and she has a cell phone? PSH. I never got one of those till I was a sophomore" and "Why aren't these kids at home. I was never allowed to go out this late". Man. I'm old. I want to be 18 again. and forever.

Maybe I just need more excitement in my life. I really think I feel this way because I get bored SO easily. When I'm not doing anything I start to get all these weird feelings. Everyone is so busy these days! And that's good for them but I need people to hang out with! Don't I sound pathetic...YES. Aimee and Bianca are both working internships all the time and that's exciting for them. They need that kind of experience before getting a real job. I wish I needed to do something like that to at least keep me busy. At least I have Julian. But he lives so far. YES. Huntington Beach is now considered far from me considering the price of gas these days. Thanks Ju for always driving to La mirada <3

Blah blah. This is getting to start sounding like my posts during the livejournal days. Sorry! But i was BORED! and I needed a break from studying.

Last thought: I FEEL SO FAT. Must go to the gym more often.

Random video of the day:

Hahaha! How old is this?

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