Saturday, June 28, 2008

YES i JUST blogged but i came across this entry from my Lj from 4 years ago around this same exact time. SEE. This is why I miss highschool and higschool summer vacations.
June 26, 2004
i haven't updated in awhile. my computer has been retarded. i am at aimee's right now and we're bumming around... hmm so what has been going on...
-finished community service... i kinda miss all the old people we were working with. they were really funny. but i don't miss all the files we had to erase, the grafitti we had to wash off, and the stupid room we had to clean.
-started working at the fun fun. it's very exciting i love it. i feel all special and stuff.
-started surfing on thursday. ahhh soo much fun. and me and bianca were pretty damn good for beginners. i love surfing. i'm gonna go pro. haha i wish.
-i chopped off my hair!!!! ahhh. it's up to my shoulders now. and i have bangs. i kinda miss my hair but i like my hair now too. whatever

-hmmm. what else.. i've been hanging out with aimee and bianca mostly. just renting movies and going out. we're bums.
-yesterday i went to jackie's ave star. she did so incredibly wonderful! i am so proud! she was definitely MY favorite. awww i love her mucho. GREEEEEAT job my dear!
-today hung out with aimee and bianca. went to the mall. bought a skirt now we're at aimee's and we're gonna eat. yah i'm going to mexico on tuesday and then we're sleeping in san diego that night. woo hoo! who wants to come with me!! that's about it i think. i've like done something everyday since summer started. i love having stuff to do for summer. it's wonderful <333 style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" size="2">Pictures from that SD trip:

******EDIT! actually these pictures aren't from that trip I was talking about. Wrong year. But still nice to look at!

that's about it i think. i've like done something everyday since summer started. i love having stuff to do for summer. it's wonderful"

How ironic. Right now i'm experiencing the complete opposite. WAH WAH. I'm such a baby. I swear I'm not this pathetic all the time. Just now. I'm bored.

1 comment:

bianca said...

i knew those weren't from that trip!! hahahaha