Monday, June 2, 2008

It seems that these blogspots are all the rage right now... or am i late by a few years? Doesn't really matter I guess but I've finally decided to give in. I have literally been trying to come up with a URL since January but came to the conclusion that it may take another 5 years or so if I don't just get on with it already. Initially i wanted it to be but of course it was taken. So i settled with So original...

I was reading my old livejournal the other day (like all who had an Lj do every now and then and realize how much we've matured since then, thank god) and realized it has been almost 3 years since I graduated highschool. I'm getting so old! and this is what i wrote June 6, 2005..

it's definitely been forever since i've updated.

this might possibly be my last.
so i graduated highschool. feshman year, my senior sister told me higshcool would go by so quickly. i didn't think about it at that time, but she was definitely right.

freshman year: sitting with a group of almost 30 people. going to almost every single dance possible. blocking the halls.
sophomore year: same group, with many little cliques in it. sunny days, tanning legs, reading cosmopolitan, laughing.
junior year: breaking off of groups, finding a new set of friends but still keeping some of the old. losing some. jog a thon, hot dogs, junior ring, little outtings, getting into lots of trouble, etc.
senior year- getting really close to the group, kairos, more outtings, lots of laughs, spring break, the easter egg van, senior activities,homecoming,formal, promS, stress, finals, and finally, GRADUATION.

you know, as much as everyone complains about how gay our school is, i can honestly say i loved it. i love how we all knew each other, and how we didn't care about our appearance and could come to school like a bum, i love how our counselors knew us by name, i like how they bugged us about turning things in especially anything that had to do with college, i love our stupid rallies.

i'm going to miss being so sheltered. how am i going to survive the REAL LIFE. o God, i'm going to have to be thrown into a school where not only are there thousands of students, but half of them will be BOYS. i haven't been to co-ed since 8th grade. this is gonna be interesting. and o snaps, no uniforms? i don't even choose to wear free dress when we were allowed to in highschool. now i have to pick an outfit for everyday.
no more praying? i've prayed in class all the time since 1st grade. no more praying before each class and having special intentions take up at least 5 minutes of every block. no more liturgy, or the smell of papa henry's pipe. or Fr. shevlin's irish dancing. oh no, no more being able to go to confession every advent and lent. now i have to find my own time to do it, now i have to rmemeber the act of contrition instead of "Jesus i love you, please forgive me for my sins".
no more slacking off. procrastination. cheating. sparknotes. no more easy ways out.

i'm definitely not ready for this. i just might go into shock.

No, I didn't go into shock.

I find that a lot of times I have so much to say but a limited amount of words to express myself so hopefully using this blog will help me do just that.
I'll try not to bore anyone (the 3 people at most who actually will read this) with unimportant, minute details of my life.


1 comment:

Terence James said...

Welcome to blogspot!'re seniors AGAIN.