Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How could i forget to mention that the last few weeks before school ended i studied my ASSSSS off! OH. because that's my life ALL the time.
The night before my final i stayed at the USC library until 12am to study. got home and studied for two more hours. woke up at 4 to study and got to school by 6:30 to study until 9:30. took the damn final AT LAST and thought i was going to shit in my pants bc it was the hardest test i'd ever taken. 100 questions.
Waited around bc they said the results would be ready in two hours. ate at little tokyo with a buncha people and had cold sake for the first time. shitty. got to school and waited a billion more hours. FINALLY they call out our names and WTF. I was worried about not even passing the class and instead i raised my grade from a C to a B! ARE YOU SERIOUS? everyone prays to just get by with a C. C=RN. lol. ok i really don't mean to sound like i'm bragging but i was seeerriously in disbelief! ahhhhh. and now i can relax. and i haaave been. love it. OH I LOVE BREAK.

i think i may part ways with blogspot soon.

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