Monday, December 29, 2008

I realize that whenever something stresses me out the way i handle it is by trying not to think about it which is pretty stupid I guess since it really doesn't fix the problem.
My laptop decided to get all cray cray on me and there was no way I could even get to the desktop to attempt to fix it. I noticed a few problems such as constant pop ups and how it started to run slower awhile ago I decided to ignore it... until finally it just crashed.
And of course I had absolutely nothing backed up. I started to freak out because my whole life (aka pictures and schoolwork) was all in there.
Me being completely computer retarded had no idea what to do. I couldn't even think of any possible problems and any possible solutions. ughh.
Thankfully Julian is the best and helped me out, except I had to wait a whole week because he was back home. So i spent about 100 bucks on an external hardrive and used a different program to back up all my shit. Thank the LAWD it was still all there.

So.. i think i know what my new years resolution is going to be..
I would like to try to be more tech saavy. Shit, or at least somewhat more knowledgeable on computers. Hopefully this way I can avoid problems or at least learn to fix them on my own. Oh, and to not avoid problems thinking it will fix itself on its own.

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